Kenshi rpg download
Kenshi rpg download

kenshi rpg download

The old engine also means the graphics don't hold up. Speaking of mods, there is a huge community of modders that will massively overhaul your playthrough in fantastic ways.Only complaints I have about the game is that it's very poorly optimized, since it runs on an old engine, which only uses 1 core of your CPU, and if your PC can't keep up, or you don't have an SSD, this game will lag quite badly and loading times will kill you. You will meet deadly wildlife, bandits, sadistic factions and every sort of thing that wants to kill you.XP is gained quite tediously, so I recommend a 2X XP mod, if you're not the type to grind for hours.

kenshi rpg download

But, like one wise individual said: "As long as whatever you do is extremely illegal, morally dubious and outright sadistic".You can be a trader, a bounty hunter, a shopkeeper, you can create your own legion of fighters, your kingdom or even empire.There is so much roleplay possibility on this game and you can create a unique backstory for each of your characters, or even create a clan with its own story.This game will keep you wanting more and it will potentially make you obsessed with it, as you spend hours building your fortress and leveling up as you fight through the various enemies, all of whom want to kill you.Traveling is a very big part of Kenshi, and most of the times it's dangerous. You can do whatever you want to do and be whoever you want to be. But not without its faults, though.First of all, this game gives you infinite freedom and puts the "ropeplay" in RPG. But not without its faults, though.First of all, this game gives you infiniteThis is one of the best games I have ever played hands down. This is one of the best games I have ever played hands down.

Kenshi rpg download